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To Tatou Mihana

Our Purpose

Our mission is to eliminate energy hardship, reduce our carbon emissions and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change in Whaingaroa.

To Tatou Matakite

Our Vision

Internationally, community energy is a common concept although the structure of the energy sector in Aoteāroa has slowed similar developments here. This situation is slowly changing and CEWh is ready to work with its community and the wider energy sector.

Our focus areas of generation, storage, efficiency and healthy homes are subject to negotiation and growing engagement with the Whaingaroa community. One of the core elements of all activities is to increase understanding of how energy is generated, distributed and, most importantly, used. With this understanding will come greater engagement which will then strongly influence the direction CEWh will take in the decades to come.

Ko wai kua whai waahi

Who's Involved

Xtreme Zero Waste Trust

100% locally owned and operated Charitable Trust that holds the environmental, social and economic values of Xtreme Zero Waste and Community Energy Whaignaroa. Much like XZW has created a pathway for zero waste locally, CEWh are here to create services and responses to the way we generate and use energy locally. Always with the communities best interests at heart.

The Comuntiy Energy Network

CEN work to grow local resilience and community leadership in the energy and healthy homes sectors throughout Aotearoa. Successfully minimising energy hardship and increasing energy efficiency for the last 20 years through direct, in-home retrofits and education. We are fortunate to have CEN as partners providing leadership and technical support to Community Energy Whāingaroa.

Local Service Providers

Raglan based Stendy Solar and Integrity Solar pay close attention to the quality of equipment and workmanship to ensure optimal lifetime production and reliability of CEWh solar installs. Infinite Monkey Lab provide environmentally conscious innovation for community storage options. Community education and training in energy conservation and innovation is a key CEWh outcome.

"we can produce our own power"

Community Energy Projects in Aotearoa